Man page for ssh-remote-agent

     ssh-remote-agent - remote authentification agent for ssh

     ssh-remote-agent [-v] [-V]  [-h] -d|-k|-l|-n|-s SecureHostName

     ssh-remote-agent is a program to hold private DSA keys used for public key
     authentication. Through use of environment variables the remote-agent can be
     located and automatically used for authentication when logging in to other
     machines using ssh(1).

     The options are as follows:

     -d      Delete the public and private keys of the user on the secure host.
     -h      Print usage and exit.
     -k      Kill the current ssh-remote-agent.

     -l      Lists public key of the identity currently represented by the remote-agent.
     -n      Generate new RSA keys ala ssh-keygen(1) on the secure host. Complains and
             does not overwrite if a key pair already exists.

     -s      On the secure host, start a ssh-agent and generate a key pair if none exists.
             Locally, set up the agent forwarding socket and print commands to set up the
             environment variable socket name. 

     -v      Verbose mode.
     -V      Print client and server version numbers.
     The remote-agent initially does not have any private keys.  Keys are generated using
     either the -n or -s option.

     The idea is that the remote-agent runs on a remote, secure machine, so that
     the user's local PC or laptop does not contain the user's private key.
     Authentication is provided using the designated access method to log onto the secure
     machine once per day or session.