Change log ========== Changes by David Spence or Matt Viljoen unless otherwise stated 0.91i-ncsa (NCSA Fork) (09/02/11) Jon Siwek - Updated to JGlobus 2.0 APIs - Replaced PureTLS dependence in GSSAPI implementation w/ BouncyCastle TLS - GSI-SSHTerm.settings now recognizes "" user setting 0.91h (19/11/09) David Meredith - Patches contributed by Jon Siwek (see 'doc' dir). - Use "CR" EOL settings for terminal emulation - X11 Forwarding fixes for 64bit linux and MAC - Add 'gssapi-with-mic' user authentication method (from RFC 4462 and remove depreciated 'external-keyx' userauth method (from draft RFC 4462). - Add 'gssapi-keyex' user authentication method (from RFC 4462 and remove depreciated 'gssapi' userauth method (from drafts of RFC 4462). 0.91g (16/11/09) David Meredith - New 'signReleaseJars' ant target that signs the compiled release .jar files in-situ in the 'release' dir. Requires an '' file in the base directory (use the provided '' as an example). - Added the necessary jars to VOMS enable for authentication with VOs, provides a Java implementation of voms-proxy-init and accompanying GUI. See the build.xml file for instructions to enable this. - Fixed pkcs10 cert/key selection bug. Now supports multiple cert/key entries in a pkcs10 file. User can select which cert/key pair to use if required. Contributions from Siew Hoon Leong (Cerlane). Following patches contributed by Jon Siwek - Word wrapping for error dialog windows - Skip invalid entries in the known_host file - Update the browser launcher - Fix the "Can't find menu Help" error 0.91g (23/05/08) - (04/03/08) Installs the rekeyed UK e-Science CA root certificate following Debian Secuirty Advisary DSA-1571-1. 0.91e (04/03/08) Adam Horwich - (04/03/08) Fixed bug with exported pfx/p12 certificates from IE7/Firefox. 0.91d (18/01/08) - (18/01/08) Now automatically installs the certificates of the new UK e-Science CA hierarchy as well as old ones. 0.91c (18/12/07) - (14/12/07) Fixed Error reporting for failed private key reads on authentication. - (17/12/07) Bug fixes in tunneling code - outgoing connections now work. - (17/12/07) Redesign Tunneling dialogs to be clearer. - (17/12/07) Disabled various opertations on x11 forwarding connections. - (17/12/07) Corrected repeatition of x11 connections in tunneling window. - (18/12/07) Fixed various bugs with Active channels pane in tunneling window. 0.91b (30/11/07) - (30/11/07) Re-jig some html files 0.91a (21/11/07) - (18/10/07) Added firefox as second choice for help pages in UNIX after mozilla. - (19/10/07) Added Windows .ico file for the terminal to bin directory. - (21/11/07) Changes in rekeying and SFTP for more reliability in long term connections. 0.91 (09/10/07) - (26/09/07) added the, sshterm.autoconnect.port and sshterm.autoconnect.username options to the applet. - (08/10/07) Changed default SSO Kerberos port to 7512 - (09/10/07) Fixed minor errors in the SSH Tunneling sub-system. 0.90c (26/09/07) - (03/09/07) Minor bug fix for SSO config file. - (25/09/07) Better error reporting on error. 0.90b (16/08/07) - (09/08/07) Minor bug fix to connection routines to stop hanging after one hour. - (07/08/07) Add more help links. 0.90a (19/07/07) - (19/07/07) Minor bug fix to connection routines to stop hanging on connection. 0.90 (12/07/07) - (04/06/07) Added sshterm.myproxy.defaults.username and sshterm.krb5myproxy.username config options - (05/06/07) Better error messages (MyProxy) and error message typos fixed - (05/06/07) Added sshterm.pkcs12.defaults.file and improved the remembering of the PKCS12 filename between uses of the dialog box - (05/06/07) Added the sshterm.browser.profile and sshterm.browser.dn config options - (05/06/07) Added the sshterm.krb5myproxy.enabled config option - (05/06/07) now has three options (as before) version.suffix (changes the suffix at the end of the version string) and (which changes the file in sshtools/res/common which is included in the Kerberos support is now enabled in the file and not at compile time. - (05/06/07) Added sshterm.auth.order config option. - (12/06/07) Sorted connection problem: silent connection failure while displaying "connected". - (21/06/07) New Connection Properties GSI Defaults tab bringing out the above options - (21/06/07) Fixed Connection Properties Terminal tab - (21/06/07) sshterm.xForwarding can now be set in and GSI-SSHTerm.settings - (27/06/07) Added legacy proxy type to support voms-proxy-init. - (27/06/07) Added sshterm.proxyLength, sshterm.proxyType and sshterm.delegationType to the configuration files - (03/07/07) Changed the re-keying methods slightly to prevent errors on re-keying - (03/07/07) Changed whereabouts of onDisconnect handler so that it catches errors on connection. - (05/07/07) Fixed a memory leak in TerminalEmulation (writing to "in" buffer when no one ever reads it). - (11/07/07) Added Terry Fleury's version check code for applets. - (12/07/07) Improvements to MyProxy error messages. - (12/07/07) Changed order of changelog and displayed in application. 0.85 (01/05/07) - (30/05/07) Better error messages for PKCS 12 errors. - (31/05/07) Better error messages on unexpected closure of connection. - (31/05/07) SFTP windows now closed on Socket/IO execption. - (31/05/07) SFTP: Fixed upload directory errors. - (01/06/07) Terminal emulation now ignores char 90 (DCS) as a special character... there seems to a bit of an error in some version of man that was causing the terminal to lock (Suse 9.3) 0.84 (25/04/07) - (18/04/07) Fixed more spurious errors in SFTP - (18/04/07) Display dialog to user when remote side disconnects - (18/04/07) Fixed some problems with key re-exchange. - (18/04/07) If there is one browser profile found, or one certificate within that browser profile then these are chosen automatically. - (23/04/07) Fixed several problems with key re-exchange when using SFTP by processing events (i.e. Mouse-clicks) on a seperate Thread to the AWT-Event threads, this stops deadlocks with the Transport protocol threads when dialog boxes are displayed by this thread. - (25/04/07) Changed default logging to INFO (to console for applet) now res/ read for applet/webstart, res/ for application 0.83 (16/04/07) - (11/04/07) More improvements to link handling in SFTP - (11/04/07) Bug fixes in SFTP (directory copies no longer use cd) - (11/04/07) Bug fixes in SFTP (File progress dialog works as expected with lots of files) - (11/04/07) Improvements in error reporting - (11/04/07) Font improvements in Windows. - (13/04/07) Bug fixes in SFTP (remove more dependance on local and remote cwd) - (13/04/07) Bug fixes in SFTP (No longer freezes when nothing to do) - (13/04/07) Improvements in file transfer dialog box. 0.82 (05/04/07) - (12/03/07) Stopped the being written to the user's properties file - (12/03/07) Now remembers MyProxy username between sessions - (12/03/07) Hostname in title bar - (13/03/07) Changed proxy info type "[not a proxy]" to "end entity certificate" - (13/03/07) Correctly linked to the main window lots of dialog boxes - (04/04/07) Correctly report expired certificates - (04/04/07) Links appear correcly as directories in GSI-SFTP - (04/04/07) Some shortcut keys sorted. Now new terminal is Alt-G, tunneling is Alt-Z, VNC is Alt-A and SFTP is Alt-B. - (04/04/07) Alt+key no longer causes accented characters (just short cuts) - (05/04/07) Any highlighting of text causes a copy - (05/04/07) Any change to the terminal display causes un-highlighting of the text (except if dragging) 0.81 (15/02/07) - (15/02/07) Unsigned the puretls-sign.jar 0.80 (08/02/07) - (18/01/07) Better error reporting with MyProxy errors - (18/01/07) Updated version of bouncy castle libraries - (18/01/07) Added file for easily setting defaults for a deployment - (18/01/07) Added support for configuring saving of proxies - (25/01/07) Bug-fix from Terry Fleury for scroll bars in Mac OS X - (25/01/07) Updated libbrowser supports more Firefox installations - (30/01/07) Added support to view Grid proxy info and destroy Grid proxies on disk - (30/01/07) Improved the security of code to save grid proxies - (30/01/07) Exposed options for saving proxies in connections dialog - (02/02/07) Bug-fix for disappearing text in Mac OS X from Terry Fleury - (05/02/07) Now casts the final "null" of a varargs call to the appropriate (Ojbect) or (Class) type (patch from Terry Fleury). - (05/02/07) Better deletion of temporary files. - (05/02/07) Saving of user settings in Applet. - (05/02/07) Check if user wants to delete proxies that have been written to disk - (05/02/07) Patch from Terry Fleury to enable proxies embeded in web page to be read by the applet - (07/02/07) More information in About box, including patch from Terry Fleury to put date. 0.79 (16/01/07) - (16/01/07) Update copy of cryptix libraries used to avoid bug in DN parsing 0.78 (21/12/06) - (01/12/06) Seperated out browser support to the libbrowser library. This now does not display expired certificates. - (18/12/06) Upgraded CoG libraries to version 1.4 - (18/12/06) The type of Grid certificate proxy can now be chosen, legacy proxies are no longer created - (18/12/06) The lifetime of the proxy created can now be chosen - (19/12/06) Fixed bug which stopped connection if DISPLAY was incorrectly set (esp. affecting Mac OS X) 0.77 (12/10/06) - (11/10/06) Changed build script to not require (undocumented) $JAVA_HOME/bin to be in $PATH. - (11/10/06) Changed to automatically install at run-time all certificates found in res/certificates at build-time. - (11/10/06) Support for compiling/building under Windows. - (11/10/06) doc/README file added to explain compiling and compile-time options. - (11/10/06) Fixed error with bin/sshterm.bat - (11/10/06) New configuration options read from ~/.sshterm/ (but not written) to set Kerberos Realm and KDC; (Kerberos and normal) MyProxy server hostname and port; and port for use in "Simple Connection Dialog Box". - (11/10/06) More sensible arrangement of some default settings 0.76 (01/09/06) - (01/09/06) Some more descriptive error messages. - (01/09/06) Fixed a bug concerning the default myproxy server. 0.75 (09/08/06) - (09/08/06) Now automatically installs the new UK e-Science CA certificates as well as old ones. 0.74 (06/07/06) - (13/06/06) Better loading of shared libraries for Mozilla in Windows - (06/07/06) Merged in Kerberos-MyProxy code to main tree - (06/07/06) Fixed tab key in SshVNC 0.73 (08/06/06) - (08/06/06) More descriptive error messages when server drops connection, especially during authentication 0.72 (24/05/06) - (23/05/06) Fixed small bug with the browser certificate code to better support Windows 2000 0.71 (05/05/06) - (04/05/06) Fixed channel opening code to prevent the opening of VNC sessions crashing java+browser. 0.70 (21/4/06) -Useful error message when authentication fails due to clock skew -Access to certificates from Firefox (Linux & Windows), Mozilla (Linux & Windows) and Internet Explorer (Windows) -Fixed key re-exchange bug (dies after transfering just under 1Gb) 0.62 -Check for i386 before loading shared library -Change of font in windows 0.61 -Improvements to GUI especially error handling in -Fixed X Tunneling bug and improvements to -More GUI improvements and bug fix for java 1.6 in windows -Now deletes temporary files (updates jlirc) 0.6 -Added X Tunneling and Proxy delegation settings along with bug fixes 0.5 -Added other SSHTools programs (SSHVnc, SecureTunneling, ShiFT) 0.3 -Now works with pkcs12 certificates 0.2 -Upgraded Cog-Kit to 1.2. SSHTools now compilable with JDK1.5 0.1 -Integrated SSHTerm version 0.2.2 with Jean-Claude's GSI authentication module